Showing posts with label M0OXF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M0OXF. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A look back at the Long Wave band in 1991...

In a recent video on his popular Oxford Shortwave Log YouTube channel, Clint, M0OXF lamented on how few stations are now listed in the 2025 edition of the World Radio TV Handbook

I have embedded the video at the bottom of this post.

Just by chance, I came across the 1991 edition of the same publication today and I had a look at the Long Wave section.

As might be expected, there were no shortage of stations back then in Europe and in Asia.

The list for Europe, Africa, the Near & Middle East is shown above and below..

As was common with long wave stations of the day, power levels up in the hundreds of kilowatts were pretty common.

The other region of the world where Long Wave was used was the eastern part of the then USSR and Mongolia. The first section is shown above with the second part below...

This was of course a time when broadcasting on the Long Wave, Medium Wave and Short  Wave bands was a source of information and entertainment in a pre-Internet World.

The video below from Clint shows the current state of the Long Wave band in 2025...