Showing posts with label TEP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TEP. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Video: Long-haul Ionospheric Propagation on 50 MHz - Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH

On the 14th of May 2024, Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH have a very detailed presentation titled 'Long-haul Ionospheric Propagation on 50 MHz' to the Madison DX Club.

In the video, Roger goes into quite a bit of depth about Sporadic-E propagation, Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) and the complexities of both.

I think anyone who has an interest in propagation at 50 MHz or even in the low VHF region will find this presentation of interest.

The presentation is about 70 minutes in length and is shown below...

Link... See my 50 MHz page for other presentations and posts about some long distance paths on 50 MHz.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

5000km+ TEP opening on the 432 MHz band in the Indian Ocean - 23rd Apr 2024

 Back on the 8th of April 2024, I reported on the very first Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) opening on the 144 MHz band from UAE to Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. Since then, this has been pretty much a daily occurence and I have been keep a record of the openings.

On the 23rd of April 2024, A65BR in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reports that his 432 MHz signal was heard in Reunion by FR4OO via TEP. The distance was in the region of 5160kms.

Reports of TEP openings on the 70cms are incredibly rare and it's really interesting to hear about this new report. In this case, it was only a reception report but it shows the potential of the path at 432 MHz.

The composite image above shows reception of the Q65 signal at -17dB as heard by FR4OO.

TEP at 144 MHz is common enough for stations in the right location but stations using 432 MHz are really pushing the limits at what's possible. There are many different propagation modes on 70cms but surely one that allows 432 MHz signals to propagated by the ionosphere must be one of the more unusual ones.

It would be good to see more stations experimenting with TEP at 432 MHz and seeing what it possible.

1) For more examples of long distance openings on the 70cms band, see my 432 MHz page.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Day 9: TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 8th Apr 2024

The Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) openings from Namibia to Europe on the 144 MHz continued on the 8th of April 2024. The reports from the PSK Reporter website are shown above.

As can be seen from the list, this was quite a good opening and the one big change was the path to SV1DH near Athens in Greece. The horizontal spread of stations at the northern end of the circuit was in the region of 800kms.

At 144 MHz, the signals need to cross the Geomagnetic Equator at nearly 90 degrees for TEP and it gets a lot more difficult the further the station gets from 90 degrees. That's why it is interesting to see SV1DH listed.

The optimal TEP path from Athens is probably down to Zimbabwe but there are no stations active there on 144 MHz.

These are the spots from the DX Cluster...
IZ8FFA 144192.0 V51WW 19:09 08 Apr TNX Namibia
IT9XDJ 144192.0 V51WW 18:54 08 Apr Q65B -12 dB 1225 Hz  Namibia

Alex, SV1NZX reports... "V51JH heard SV1 and a smattering of other stations; ZD7GWM was cqing on 144.300 but sadly no copy from EA stations. SV1DH worked V51WW quite easily."

Felice, IZ8FFA reports working V51WW with 100W to a 12-element home made LFA Yagi on a 7m book.

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Day 8: TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 7th Apr 2024

The Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) openings from Namibia to Europe on the 144 MHz continued on the 7th of April 2024. The reports from the PSK Reporter website are shown above.

Interest is growing is these long distance TEP paths and more people are getting involved. In a previous post, I had details of how A65BR in the United Arab Emirates managed to hear FR4OO on Reunion Island via TEP on the 7th of April.

These are the spots from the DX Cluster...
IK7EOT 144190 V51WW 19:09 07 Apr 24 Q65B -18 Namibia
SV2DCD 144190 V51WW 18:27 07 Apr 24 CQ Q65B -15db TEP Namibia
SV8PEX 144190 V51WW 18:23 07 Apr 24 -09 q65b hrd in JM99 Namibia

Also on the 7th of April, the PSK Reporter website shows that IK7EZN in Italy reported reception of V51NH, the second station in Namibia. IZ7EZN is the only station reporting this so I'd be always wary of just one station reporting as someone may have made a mistake reporting the incorrect band.

It is also reported that ZD7GWM on St Helena is trying the TEP north to Spain (EA) & Portugal (CT). Stations in South Africa (ZS) are also beaming north.

SV1NZX in Greece reports... "Lots of TEP action tonight - V51WW seen/worked in at least 7 PSK-enabled stations, more saw him, reported via group chat, A65BR heard FR4OO, ZD7GWM was CQing dir EA. Overall 2xV5, a few from ZS (various areas) and ZD7 vs over 80 EU and AS stations

V Important.  AF stations are CQing 1st and EU 2nd. We implore that 144.190 is kept free of tropo QSOs and attempts for EU->EU on 1st period. Tomorrow, 9K2GS and A65BR will be testing with FR at 1630z, V5/ZS-EU from 1800z and ZD7GWM will be cqing .300U/301cw from 1930z dir EA"

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Another 6000km+ TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 1st April 2024

As outlined in this previous post, there was a TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) opening on the 144 MHz band between Namibia and Greece on the 31st of March 2024. As news spread that SV8PEX had been heard over 6500kms away in Namibia, more stations were active on the evening of the 1st of April.

This time, there were paths from Namibia to Greece, Italy and Malta and SV8PEX, 9H1TA and 9H1PA managed to complete contacts.

Alex, SV1NZX reports the following... "Tonight ends an exciting night for 2m #TEP QSOs - V51WW worked 9H1PA, 9H1TX and SV8PEX as well as receiving 4-5 other Italian stations in JN70, JN80. SFI measured at 125, K/A index at 5-8 and 1, all QSOs in Q65b, 30/60s."

This is a screen grab from SV8PEX in Greece...

This screen grab below is from V51WW and shows some of the exchanges with IK7UXW and IZ8EDJ  in Italy.

The screen grab below is from David, 9H1TX in Malta...

9H1TX writes... "Just finished my first TEP 2M qso with V51WW. I am totally closed to south but i elevated the system at 8 deg and was lucky to get his signal."

Analysis... As the map shows above, both stations are about equidistant from the Geomagnetic Equator and are crossing it at right angles, an important consideration for TEP signals at 144 MHz.

V51WW in Namibia is using 100w into a horizontal 9-element yagi 12m above ground level which is a pretty modest station. It shows that this TEP path to Europe is probably there a lot more often than people realise but the problem is that there weren't any stations in Africa to attempt a contact.

It would be interesting to see how far east and west in the Mediterranean the signal from V51WW can reach? How far from the 90 degree right angle at the Geomagnetic Equator can the 144 MHz signal go before it becomes impossible? EA6? IS0? 5B4? TA? SV5? SV9?

The Mediterranean is also an excellent location for tropo ducting. How far will that carry the signal north?

Are there any other stations at the southern end of the TEP zone? ZD7 (St Helena) to Spain seems an obvious one. Other paths?

It would be good to see more TEP reports from Europe to Africa on 70 MHz, 88-108 MHz and 144 MHz.


1) See my 144 MHz page for plenty of reports of other TEP contacts.

Monday, April 1, 2024

6530km TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Greece - 31st March 2024


Over the last few years, there have been many reports of contacts on 144 MHz from South America to the Caribbean region via Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP). There have been no reports of similar openings on 144 MHz from Europe to Africa in the same time period.

On the 31st of March 2024, it looks as if finally there was a TEP opening when V51WW in Namibia managed to receive SV8PEX in Greece, a distance of about 6532kms.

This is the report from the PSK Reporter website...

Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
SV8PEX V51WW 2m Q65 6524 km 19:08:02

Tom, SV8PEX reports... "Unfortunately I was too late sig went down, one way. I was using 500W and V51WW I guess 100. Me -15db the best". Tom also notes that they tried FT8 and no decodes were possible.

Alex, SV1NZX writes... "First confirmed TEP reception of a signal between EU and AF tonight by V51WW from SV8PEX on 2m band after almost 40 years since the last signals between AF and EU intersected. Mode Q65a/30s "

V51WW is using 100w into a horizontal 9-element yagi 12m above ground level. SV8PEX is using 500w into a 11-element yagi 10m above ground level.

Analysis... As the map shows above, both stations are about equidistant from the Geomagnetic Equator and are crossing it at right angles, an important consideration for TEP signals at 144 MHz.

As SV1NZX mentions, there used to TEP contacts on 144 MHz from Europe to Africa back in the 1970's when there was activity from Zimbabwe. The key thing is the location. Zimbabwe and the north of Namibia are far enough north for signals to reach the TEP zone. There are plenty of stations in South Africa (ZS) active on 144 MHz but they are much further south.

In this particular case on the 31st of March, it was a reception report but it shows that a TEP path was open at 144 MHz. Hopefully more stations in southern Europe will now beam south and see if the path is open to Namibia and the southern part of Africa. 

It would be good to see more TEP reports from Europe to Africa on 70 MHz, 88-108 MHz and 144 MHz.


1) See my 144 MHz page for plenty of reports of other TEP contacts.

By the way, this is not an April Fools Joke! I know I posted it on the 1st of April so some might be wondering.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

6,100km TEP opening on the 144 MHz band from Uruguay to the Caribbean - 21st Oct 2023

As we head towards the end of October 2023, there have been reports of some TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) openings in South America on the 144 MHz band.

Carlos, CX5CBA in Montevideo, Uruguay writes... "As of the 21st of October 2023, there have been TEP openings every night for two weeks between South America and the Caribbean.

I have been able to make several contacts on 144 MHz on SSB and Q65 with a 4.7m long Yagi antenna and 50W. The stations worked are:

Q65: HI8D, HI3I, HI8T, NP4BM, PJ4GR."

The map above shows the path of one of these contacts between CX5CBA and HI8D. Note that the Geomagnetic Equator is almost equidistant from both stations and the path is at right angles to the Geomagnetic Equator as well. This is pretty much the ideal path for a TEP opening at 144 MHz.

The other stations NP4BM (Puerto Rico) and PJ4GR (Bonaire) are also located in the western part of the Caribbean. This follows the typical pattern for TEP openings in South America at 144 MHz... i.e. stations in Uruguay and Argentina work the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Bonaire whereas stations in the south of Brazil usually work the eastern part of the Caribbean - Martinique, Guadeloupe, etc.

This is a log extract from CX5CBA...

It shows several contacts made on SSB which means the signals must have been reasonably strong.

You'll notice the one CW contact on the 50 MHz band to V31XX in Belize. With lower frequencies like 50 MHz, signals that are not as close to right angles can propagate.

This screenshot from Carlos shows that some on the contacts were made with the Q65 mode.

This screenshot shows the callsigns, signals and time. Note the time... about midnight UTC which is about 9pm local time in Uruguay.

Comment... Thanks for Carlos for the report and images. While these TEP openings at 144 MHz are pretty common, we should still remember that we are looking at contacts that are over 6,000 kms in length.

It's also a reminder that the TEP season is in full swing in South America and it's time to check out 50 MHz, 88-108 MHz and 144 MHz.

It would also be very interesting to see some stations doing TEP experiments on the 432 MHz (70cms) band.

Link... For more examples of long distance 144 MHz contacts, see my 144 MHz page.

Friday, March 17, 2023

FM radio station WMIA in Miami on 93.9 MHz is heard in Chile - 23rd Feb 2023

This reception report is from the 23rd of February 2023 when Pipe, CE3SX / CE3SAD in Santiago, Chile managed to receive the FM radio station WMIA in Miami, Florida on 93.9 MHz

The reception took place at 21:41 local time in Chile (22nd Feb) which is 00:41 UTC (23rd Feb). This is at the right time for an evening time Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) opening.

What makes this highly unusual is the distance. It might be normal during an evening TEP opening for  FM radio stations in the north of Columbia to be heard in Chile but this time, the FM radio station was in Florida which is about 2000kms further north. 

In a previous post, I reported on how CE3SX had managed to hear FM radio stations in Jamaica in February of 2022. Florida is an extra 1000kms.

Florida is usually considered to be too far north for TEP propagation so how was the range extended to just under 6,700kms?

The first option that springs to mind was that it was an evening type TEP opening coupling into a tropo duct to the north to extend the opening to Florida. The tropo map above from F5LEN shows some tropo in the area but with the island of Cuba in the way, it's not exactly conclusive.

Is the most southern tip of Florida just close enough for TEP?

Have there been reception reports like this in the past?

And if it's possible on 93.9 MHz, what about 144 MHz from Florida to Chile? Is anyone trying?

Lots of questions...

Link... For more long distance reception reports on the FM band, see my 88-108 MHz page.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

5300km TEP opening at 432 MHz reported from Curacao to Argentina - 24th Feb 2023

432 MHz TEP: In a previous post, I reported on how a signal on the 432 MHz band from Brett, PJ2BR on the island of Curacao was received by Javi, LU5FF in Argentina. The propagation mode was Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) and the distance was 4853kms.

After it, there was some question about if it was real? Was it a false decode of the Q65 signal? Was there an issue with the software when changing bands from 144 MHz to 432 MHz? Reports of TEP signals on the 432 MHz band are extremely rare and people are right to be cautious.

Now we have a second example of a 432 MHz opening on the 24th of February 2023. This time, we have decodes of signals on both ends as well as visual evidence of a signal in the waterfall display as well as reception of a signal that could be heard.

24th February 2023: Both Brett, PJ2BR and Diego, LW2DAF report that there was a TEP opening on the 432 MHz band on the 24th of Feb 2023. The time was around 00:40 UTC which was about 8-9pm local time on the 23rd of Feb for the parties involved which is around the peak time for evening TEP openings.

On this occasion, there were decodes at both ends and the distance was around 5310kms.

I have some images below so that we have a record of this opening.

The image above is a screenshot from the PSK Reporter website showing the 432 MHz path reported on the site.

This image above is from a screenshot from PJ2BR and shows the left hand side of the WSJT-X software showing reception of LW2DAF with a signal of -18dB. You can see the mode used was Q65-30B. Note that I edited the image to make it smaller vertically to remove the blank area.

This image above is the right hand side of the screenshot. It shows the reception of LW2DAF at -18dB and then PJ2BR sending the report.

Now from Argentina. This image above shows a very weak signal in the waterfall at around 700 Hz.

This image above shows LW2DAF decoding the signal from PJ2BR with a peak of -12dB. This is significant because it was now at a level where the signal might be heard.

Diego, LW2DAF said that he saw and heard the signal on 432 MHz.

This video clip above from LW2DAF on Twitter shows the reception of the signal.

This screenshot from the video shows the Kenwood radio used by LW2DAF on 432.174 MHz.

Equipment: For this TEP test, PJ2BR was using a Kenwood TS2000 with 100-watts from a Mirage amplifier.

The antenna was shown above was a M2 22-element horizontal Yagi.

LW2DAF was using 50-watts into a horizontally polarised 18-element LFA Yagi about 21m above ground level.

Analysis: As Deigo LW2DAF noted, a visual and audible TEP signal on the 432 MHz band has now been verified. It would seem that it is now only a matter of time before someone from Argentina or Brazil completes a 432 MHz contact with someone in the Caribbean using Trans-Equatorial Propagation.

From my understanding of TEP, it's Class II as shown above as an effective duct appears on the Geomagnetic Equator.

At 432 MHz, location, distance and being at right angles to the Geomagnetic Equator are even more important than they are at 432 MHz. As Diego notes, more stations on 432 MHz are needed to try this path at 70cms. It just needs two stations to be in an optimum location and for the conditions to be right.

Link: For other examples of long distance openings on the 70cms band, see my 432 MHz page.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

4853km TEP opening at 432 MHz reported from Curacao to Argentina - 5th Feb 2023

Brett, PJ2BR in Curacao in the Caribbean reports that on the 5th of February 2023 (01:18 UTC), his 432 MHz signal were heard by Javi, LU5FF in Argentina by Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP). The distance was 4853 kms!

This really is ground breaking news (*). It was only on the 4th of February that I put up a post about what was up to then the only 432 MHz reception report via TEP in South America and that was from 1978. I tagged PJ2BR on Twitter about the post and a few hours later, we have a second 70cms TEP report!

The Green exchange is for 144 MHz while the Yellow is for 432 MHz (*).

Proof of Concept (*)... For this TEP opening on 432 MHz, PJ2BR was using the Q65b weak signal mode. This is significant because it means that modern digital weak signal modes can be used for TEP openings at 70cms. It's not a case of there being too much doppler or spreading of the signal that only CW can be used. This would likely require a much stronger signal for a contact to be made.

For the record, here is a screen grab off the PSK Reporter website before it disappears.

Let's hope that this news will encourage more stations in the Caribbean and in South America to try to make a TEP contact on the 432 MHz.

(*) = Caveat... Someone raised the question if the reports on 432 MHz are genuine? They do after all follow some Q65 reports on 144 MHz and they wonder if it's the software generating these 70cms reports?

It's a bit like conducting a science experiment and we have one data point, not exactly the five-sigma required for a definitive conclusion. What we need are more stations in South America and the Caribbean to test the TEP path on 432 MHz. If there are no more reception reports then it raises some question mark over this new report. If there are more reports then it means this report was probably ok.

Addendum: 6th February 2023... There was another TEP 'reception report' on 432 MHz on the 6th of February 2023. This time it was from WP4KJJ in Puerto Rico to LU9FVS in Argentina.

I believe the stations involved have concerns about the software generating incorrect reports after the band has been changed.

I suspect what is required is the reception of a good old fashioned CW signal to eliminate any software issues.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

5100km TEP opening on 432 MHz from Argentina to Venezuela - February 1978

While openings via TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) on the 144 MHz band seem to be relatively common in South America, it's a different story on the higher frequencies.

While there have been verified TEP openings at 432 MHz in Africa in the past, any reports of TEP openings on the 70cms band seem to be extremely rare.

Back on the 13th of February 1978, YV5ZZ in Venezuela reported hearing LU3AAT in Argentina on '432.1 MHz'. The distance was approximately 5,100kms.

I'm not sure of the exact locations of either stations but Buenos Aires to Caracas is about 5,100kms and seems to be the right distance.

I found two accounts about this remarkable reception reports.

Article 1) The first one appeared in the Amateur Communications column, Electronics Today International from May 1978.

"Evening-type TEP extended to 432 MHz?

Recent record-breakng contacts on the 144 MHz band apparently supported by evening-type (or Class II) trans-equatorial propagation between Australia and Japan, Puerto Rico and South America, have been hot news in amateur circles amongst those who are keen on VHF/UHF DX.

However, no sooner was the upper frequency limit of Class II TEP extended to 144 MHz, previously established as being in the 100 MHz region, than evidence of the possible extension of this ionospheric propagation mode even higher in frequency - to 432 MHz - has come to hand.

YV5ZZ, located in Venezuala, is reported to have heard an Argentinian station, LU3AAT on 432.1 MHz in February during an opening when Argentinian stations were heard working Caribbean stations and stations in the northern countries of South America.

However, two way contact was not established, but this seems only a matter of time."

Article 2) The second one appeared in an article titled 'A Newly Discovered Mode of VHF Propagation [1978]' from the QST magazine dated October 1978.

"On February 13, 1978, YV5ZZ heard weak but identifiable signals from LU3AAT, on 432.1 MHz. Two-meter and 432 propagation far exceeds the capability of the TE mode YV5ZZ was using his satellite antenna system, which is steerable in azimuth and elevation. In the direction of LU3AAT, his horizon is obstructed by a range of mountains. The lowest elevation angle which allows for clearance of the mountain range is 8 degrees. 

On February 16, 1978, YV6ASU heard LU3AAT on 432 MHz, with his antenna at about the same angle of elevation. On yet another occasion, KV4FZ heard LU3AAT on 145.1 MHz. He reported that a peak in signal strength occurred when the antenna elevation angle was 8-10 degrees. This geometry suggests that single-hop F-layer reflection isn’t involved. The angle also seems high for the tilt associated with TE."

Analysis... In preparing this post, I did a search for the first 432 MHz contact with Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) in South America and much to my surprise, I couldn't find anything. Despite the 1978 article saying that a 70cms contact would only be a 'matter of time', it looks as if it never happened and has yet to happen.

This raises the point that I have made in previous TEP related posts... Is there anyone in South America trying to make TEP contacts on 432 MHz??

I see many reports of TEP contacts at 144 MHz made by LU, PY, CX & ZP stations in South America and that's fine. But I think radio amateurs should also be experimenting to see what is possible, to try something new and to push the limits.

The chart about shows the progression of sunspot numbers since 1965. In 1978, the levels aren't that much higher than they are now in the Spring of 2023 and 1978 was also about two years before the peak of solar cycle 21.

Doppler... TEP propagation is well known for it's distortion of the signal due to some spreading. The higher the frequency, the higher the distortion.

I'm assuming that the distortion at 432 MHz will mean that modes like FT8, FT4 and Q65b cannot be used? But is that a correct assumption?

If nothing else, the use of modern weak signal modes will allow a weak signal to be seen on a screen even if it can't be decoded. A sign that a CW contact might be possible if only the signal was a bit stronger.

In conclusion... If anyone has any information about previous TEP contacts on 432 MHz from South America then  please let me know. If not, perhaps someone would like to try for the first 432 MHz TEP contact from South America?

Acknowledgement... Thanks to Carlos, LU7MC for sending on the Electronics Today International article. If your first language is Spanish and you're reading this post via Google Translate then send your information to LU7FC if it's easier.

1) For examples of TEP contacts on 2m, see my 144 MHz page.
2) For examples of other long distance contacts on 70cms, see my 432 MHz page.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

5,800 km TEP opening on 144 MHz between the Dominican Republic and the west of Argentina - 29th Jan 2023

Very long distance contacts in the region of 5000-6000 kms on 144 MHz from the Caribbean to the south of Brazil, Uruguay and the area near Buenos Aires in Argentina are reasonably common via TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation). 

The geometry is just right for these contacts ...a) Population centres at each end of the path with active amateur radio stations ...and b) At right angles to the Geomagnetic Equator.

This map from the 2nd of February 2022 shows a typical opening...

All the paths tend to be parallel to each other as they cross the Geomagnetic Equator at 90 degrees. However even in the example above, you can see a few paths that are not exactly parallel.

LU7MC... Carlos, LU7MC is in the west of Argentina and active on 144 MHz for many years. His location is shown on the map at the top of the post in the far west of Argentina. For Carlos, the other end of his usual TEP path falls in areas further west in the Caribbean around Jamaica and Cuba, areas where there is very little 144 MHz activity.

Carlos writes..."I always wondered the same thing, why no TEP? Many years ago my interest in VHF DX awoke and I began to investigate. I believe that one of the main obstacles is the small number of operators who, are unaware of TEP and miss out on the opportunity to experiment with the different types of propagation at 144 MHz and higher.

After a long time of trying (13 years) it finally happened!! A TEP contact from the west of South America on 144 MHz :  LU7MC - HI3I Q65B 5827Km, Very atypical conditions where the strict Trans Equatorial propagation theory seems not to apply. It was always thought that it would occur with stations further west in the Caribbean."

As Carlos writes, it does seem to have been an unusual TEP opening where the path was not quite a right angles to the Geomagnetic Equator. 

It also shows that location is everything for TEP... someone near Buenos Aires can almost make daily 144 MHz contacts on TEP with the Caribbean at certain times of year and someone in the west of Argentina has to wait 13 years!

Carlos sent on a few images. This one shows the predicted map of the critical frequency of the ionosphere around the time of the TEP opening. Notice the less intense zone over the Geomagnetic Equator in South America and the more intense region either side which sets up the perfect conditions for a TEP opening.

This screenshot from Carlos shows that the contact was made on 144.180 MHz using the Q65B weak signal mode. Signals are in the region of -12 to -14dB which is just about detectable to the human ear. A CW contact would be very difficult at this signal level.

Note that the time is in UTC. Evening time TEP usually peaks around 8pm local time.

This final image shows the solar conditions on the left with the Solar Flux at 138 and the K index at 1.7. The right hand side of the image shows the confirmation of the contact via LOTW (Logbook of the World).

Chile (CE) ??? ...Now that there has been a successful TEP contact on 144 MHz from the west of Argentina, what about Chile? Is TEP possible from Santiago? Are there any stations in the west of the Caribbean interested in 144 MHz?

220 MHz and 432 MHz??? ...I would be interested to hear of any TEP openings at 220 MHz or 432 MHz. Will the distortion make digital weak signals modes unusable at the higher frequencies?

Thanks for Carlos, LU7MC for the above information and congratulations on your FB TEP QSO.

1) For more TEP contacts, check out my 144 MHz page HERE

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

TEP opening on the 40 MHz band between the Caribbean and South America - 24th & 25th Jan 2023

While there have been plenty of reports of propagation on the 40 MHz (8m) band recently, there have been very few reports from South America.

Martin, PJ4MM on the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean reports the following...

"This evening (24th January), I turned my antenna to the South and I received 8 reports from Chile (CE), Argentina (LU) and Brazil (PY).

Date  - Time in UTC - Reports from - Locator Square - Signal / Notes
24/01/23    23:58:00    PT9FD    GG27OR    -20dB    
        23:58:00    PU2MBY    GG47GU    solid trace    No decode, TEP distortion

25/01/23    00:07:00    LU8YD    FF51XB    -15dB           
        00:10:00    CE3VRT   FF46PI    solid trace    No decode, TEP distortion
        00:03:00    LW2DAF    GF05RK    -8dB        (-18dB on 6m)
        00:37:00    LU7FTF   FF88WI    loud audio   
        00:38:00    CE3VRT   FF46PI    -16dB       
        00:48:00    CE3SOC   FF46RJ    -14dB "

Analysis... With TEP signals, they are generally at right angles to the Geomagnetic Equator and especially at the higher VHF bands. At frequencies about 100 MHz, the paths are usually from Chile to Colombia, Argentina to Bonaire, Curacao and Puerto Rico and from the south of Brazil to the eastern part of  the Caribbean... e.g. Guadeloupe and Martinique.

On a lower frequency like 40 MHz, signals can be quite a bit off from being at right angles and still get through. Hence you can see that PJ4MM could be heard in Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

As the map above shows, most of the reports came from stations in the region of 4000 to 5,500kms which is pretty normal for TEP paths. The time was around midnight UTC which is about 9pm. 8-9pm local time is usually the time for evening TEP openings.

There have been some reports of TEP openings in South America at 144 MHz so it should be no great surprise that it was open at 40 MHz as well. It just took someone to try some tests on the 8m band.

I think it is especially welcome to see so many reports from South American stations and it will hopefully generate more interest in that part of the world in the 40 MHz (8m) band.

It would be interesting to see if the South American stations could hear some of the experimental 40 MHz stations in the USA? I think it might be possible in April when the TEP and Sporadic-E seasons overlap.

USA... Martin did also mention that he thinks there are more radio amateurs in the USA now listening on the 40 MHz band as well. These were the US stations that heard his FT8 signal on the 40 MHz in a 24 hour period.

Link... For more information on the 8m band, see my 40 MHz page HERE

Addendum: 27th Jan 2023 - Martin ,PJ4MM reports... "Today again reports from LU/CE/PY and first time from Ecuador (HC). Also reports from the "Usual suspects" in the USA, and a first time report from WM2XCC in San Diego."

Reports from South America...
Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
HC2FG 8m FT8 2049 km 02:40:15
LU3HO 8m FT8 5302 km 02:39:29
CE3SX 8m FT8 5080 km 02:09:28
PU8YPL 8m FT8 2203 km 01:36:58
PP2RON 8m FT8 3833 km 01:24:29

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

First contact between Croatia and South Africa on the new 40 MHz band - 13th March 2022

Back in October of 2021, I reported on the first ever contact between South Africa and Slovenia on the 40 MHz band. See post HERE.

On the 13th of March 2022, there was another 'first' 40 MHz contact when when Milan, 9A2Y in Croatia managed to complete a successful FT8 contact with Willem, ZS6WAB in South Africa.

The distance was in the region of 7,585kms and it took place at around 12:36 UTC. This would have been an hour or so after local noon and the F2 layer was likely at it's highest ionization.

Considering it was a North-South path, I suspect that F2 and TEP propagation was involved without any need for a Sporadic-E extension at either end.

The solar flux on the 13th of March was at 123 which is a lot higher than last October when it was just 78 when the first ZS-S5 contact took place.

The screenshot above from 9A2Y shows the FT8 contact. As can be seen, the signal from ZS6WAB was  -5dB in Croatia which suggests that a contact on CW would have been possible but unlikely on SSB.

Equipment: I'm not sure what 9A2Y was using but ZS6WAB uses an old ICOM IC-706 for the 8m CW beacon with a 5-element YU7EF designed Yagi so I presume that is what was used.

Antenna stack at ZS6WAB with the 40 MHz Yagi at the top

Quite a number of European stations have reported hearing the ZS6WAB beacon on 40.475 MHz over the last week or two. Considering it's located halfway between the 28 MHz and 50 MHz bands, it is now hopefully giving early warning of potential 6m openings between South Africa and Europe.

As always, if you want more information on the new 8m band then check out the links on my 40 MHz page.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Long path opening on 50 MHz between South America and Asia - 12th March 2022

12th March 2022: There seems to have been a really good opening on the 50 MHz band at about 01:00 to 04:00 from South America to the east of Asia (Thanks to N0JK on the tip off for this).

The map above from the PSK Reporter website shows the paths as reported for PY2XB in Brazil. The site shows the shortest path between two stations but I think in reality, the contacts from Brazil to Japan & Taiwan were all via long path.

Long Path V Short Path... The map above shows the situation. For someone in the south of Brazil, Taiwan is effectively the other side of the world and there isn't that much difference between short path or long path.

I'm subject to correction on this but I think this extensive opening on 50 MHz was around 21,000kms via the long path.

The map at the start of the post shows that there was a path also from Brazil to Hawaii at 01:58 UTC. The map above also shows where the daylight was at about 03:00 UTC. It was likely that there was strong TEP to the west of South America which likely played a factor in the opening.

This chart is a point to point HF propagation forecast and shows how likely an opening is on each of the bands from PY2XB in Brazil to BV3UF in Taiwan. As you can see, the long path on 28 MHz is very good from 24:00 to 06:00.

By contrast, the short path prediction is very poor at this time. The DX spots just report stations heard but no-one seems to mention short path or long path.

Propagation Mode???... As mentioned already, TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) is likely to have been involved but how much? Was it partially TEP with the rest of the path via F2 propagation? Was there greyline and chordal propagation involved across the Pacific where the sun was setting?

Some seem to be very quick to explain every long distance opening as being simply TEP but remember that we're talking about a path of 21,000kms at 50 MHz. I'd suggest that it's a lot more complex than that.

Just for reference purposes, the solar flux on the day was about 127.

Notes... This was a reasonably good opening between two areas with a lot of 6m activity. The maps and data I have presented above is just a sample of this opening but it does demonstrate the distances achieved.